First Review - 2017
It’s been a long while since I last updated this journal. Recently got shifted into a new department where the intensity of the working tempo is much higher. I also enrolled myself for part-time degree course to upgrade myself and also to get myself a backup certificate, hence I am really tied down.
Its past 20 over days into the new year 2017, I thought that I should review my portfolio performance for 2016. I thought that I should share my thoughts before I proceed on with my result for 2016. Recently, I got distracted and start spending money more loosely without keeping it tight. I started eating out at restaurants and buying more luxury stuffs that belong to the “want” group.
I stopped and reflected upon myself and I realized that majority of the working population falls into this category. When we are starting to get comfortable, our desire for success will drop. As the saying goes, the enemy of a great life is a good life. Hence, I made the deliberate effort to keep my finances spending tight, so that I will not be distracted and led off paths again on my journey towards financial freedom.
I foresee the journey ahead to have more distraction and when our income starts increasing, we will get more complacent. Hence, I am always writing affirmation to remind myself about the goal that I set so that I will be constantly reminded about it.
By 2021, I aim to have a monthly passive income of $15,000 coming in. A goal to challenge myself and my partner, to see how we can achieve it. This is my result for year 2016. STI grew 4.47% for the year 2016. I always compared my result against STI to have a sensing of how I have done for that period of time.
I must say that 2016 is a very good year for me. As you can see, I have made pretty good returns from short trading and also from the premiums collected from US market.

Slowly but surely, the total portfolio sum is increasing. I am also getting more confident in investing with larger amount of capital. I guessed all these are good training for me, to train up my mentality and also have the courage and guts to believe in my own foresight.