Fast Track Your Financial Journey
I decided to write a post on this because I almost commit this mistake, you could potentially postponed your freedom by years. Recently,...

First Review - 2017
It’s been a long while since I last updated this journal. Recently got shifted into a new department where the intensity of the working...

Strategy Planning
Recently I reflected and ponder on my strategy towards achieving financial freedom. 2016 have been a good year for me thus far, making...

Midyear Review - 2016
In a blink of an eye, we are already in the mid of June already. During this period, I have made $463 by selling options. I received...

China Construction Bank - Added
Recently, I went for a seminar and the speaker (Dr Tee) mentioned about 4 type of crisis that we can take advantage on. I found it to be...

Soilbuild Reit into Portfolio
Recently I bought 10 lot of Soilbuild Reit at a price of $0.705. As my warchest gets larger, I started scouting for opportunity again. I...

Straits Times Index ETF
A lot of my peers have been asking me what is STI ETF and why am I investing in them. I guess i shall explain a little here and my...

Wage Slave
Wage slavery refers to a situation where a person’s livelihood depends on wages or a salary, especially when the dependence is total and...